Fighting Idleness...

Right now, I feel like everything is over and I'm suddenly on a very long holiday, which I am...exams over, see?

So now I got no more adrenaline. That's the problem when your education system is exam-orientated...the beginning of the year is rush, rush, rush, study, study, study, camps, camps, camps, competitions, debate, piano, EXAM, EXAM,EXAM,until you are fit to burst.

Then suddenly, eh? Over already-ah?

Yeah, I can read all the books I wanted to read, I can write stories, I can continue my novel, but I was focused so long on school that suddenly I feel a bit flaccid. Idleness, that seducing ol' codger is back. He's pulling at me, telling me to rest, to sleep, to do nothing, to moan when there is housework. Oooh, he is one heck of a good persuader.

I've got to fight him off. Excuse me....*WACHAI* * HIYAH!* *POW!* *SMACK* *DISH DISH* *WAKAI* * swinging lightsaber* TAKE THAT!


hehe, You're backing away from your computer screen, aren't you? Aww, don't leave me!
Anyway, these are a few of my battle strategies to fought Mr. Idleness:
1. Read the 2 books required for the d'nous academy camp.
2. Practice piano!
3. Write the debate story
4. Start research for novel
5. badminton!
6. Tidy room, shelves, schoolbag..
7. read......and read....and read.....
8. Aw man! Maths hwk(she's teaching F5, can you BELIEVE this?!)

That's more or less it...oh yes!write in blog,hehe.


  1. oooh....hehe...when can I come to your house?? hehe =p


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