
Showing posts from April, 2010

Indecisive, or cautious?

I’ve realized that I’m indecisive. Take this as an example: I was invited out for an outing with my friends today. Most people would have given a “yes” or a “no” quite immediately. I took the whole day. Why? My first reaction was a no, for reasons that you’d soon see below. However, I changed my mind around 10p.m. So I asked around and soon transportation wasn’t a problem. So I considered it for a bit longer, and decided I would go. Now, I turned to my parents for permission. For those who don’t understand how my mind works (which makes all of you), I only ask for parental approval AFTER I’ve approved of it myself. For me, I feel that if I don’t want it, why ask? However, this form of decision making isn’t that effective because if my parents should disapprove, I’d be disappointed simply as I’ve already decided on going. And most of the time their immediate reaction to my disappointment is annoyance as they feel that I simply want my way. Which is true of course, but … not quite so tru

Perfect Strangers

I charged up the stairs as the noise above told me what I already knew: I was late. Chagrin swept over me-didn’t I commit myself to be earlier for this? I reached the meeting area, and scanned the room for an empty seat. Everyone was on their feet-the games had started. I continued surveying the room, trying to find an avenue to blend in. That’s when I saw you. It was only for a second before the sea of other faces swallowed up your face again, but it inexplicably attracted my instant attention. I knew I was going to be rudely staring at you for the rest of the day. And I was right. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. All throughout the meeting, and even when we headed down for refreshments later, I stole as many glances as I could, examining your face, observing and analyzing your every reaction. Who are you? I thought to myself. I was embarrassed and ashamed. This would be the third time something like this has happened. I’m beginning to be such an immature girl, with selfish thoughts a

Hear my song

i play my song my simple song for the world to hear it's not a symphony it's just a simple melody for the world to hear but can you hear me can you hear me play? do you believe me and this song i play? this is the song of my heart my desire just to lay my life on the alter to bring Him praise to lift up His name so the world may hear of Him alone i wish i can play a better song for the world to hear i wish i can play a perfect song for the world to hear but all my mistakes create something beautiful can you hear me play my simple song? this is the song of my heart my desire just to lay my life on the alter to bring Him praise to lift up His name so the world may hear of Him alone Can you hear me play? can you hear my song? the simple song i've been given by the Maker of all? this is the song of my heart my desire just to lay my life on the alter to bring Him praise to lift up His name so the world may hear of Him alone I just want the world to hear the song Jesus gave me. -

Uh oh.

My JPA interview's tomorrow. I have no idea what to expect. And my blog is getting a bit crappy i think. I'm blogging this post on Tuesday, April 6th, but it shows a different date. does anyone know how to fix that?

Holy Guitars...

Decided to check out for no reason and saw this: air guitar: An ancient art that originated after God wanted to rock out but had no electric guitar on hand. He realised how sweet a thing he had just created so he wanted to pass it down onto man when man had no axe to rock with. This talent was given to man, by God, through Jesus. Jesus showed the world the ineffable art of air guitar during his ressurection. Jesus was radiating with a bright white light because he was rocking so hard. The art of the air guitar was thus written down in the Bible and succesfully passed on to man. The practice of air guitar since it's inception has been shown throughout the history of the world. Jesus is discretely air guitaring in the famous painting The Last Supper in the Galleria Borghese, Rome. On and on has this holy tradition gone. It is kept alive by generations of rockers young and old. If you are listening to a really sweet guitar solo and you have no real guitar to emulat

V for Vendetta's followers

Ok, actually it's just one follower la. Went to watch V's speech to Evey, since a friends asked me to. Which is this, for those who don't know what I'm talking about. So below that video was this comment: SolidSnakeRules: Perfect! Powerful Protagonists' Pontification Pertaining to Peacebringing shall be Preserved Permanently Posthaste. People lack Patience; Pioneers Possess this Predisposition Particularly. If I may Peruse and Perhaps Partake in Participation Personally, I Propose Poison as Proper Procedure for Penalizing and Punishing the Perpetrators of Perfunctory Propaganda Portraying a Pathetic Personification of Power Plaguing our once Prolific and Prosperous Population. I am P, and Playtime has Passed. So ingenious! So fun to read stuff like that. No, I'm not going to start writing like that. I will not embarrass myself. Back to applications...I guess. Oh and for those who don't know, I'm not at NS typing this. I got exempted. Yup, the shorn shee