
Showing posts from July, 2011

First Impressions

It was the first day of school. A simple, plain-looking bespectacled girl peered into a classroom full of noisy students. Widening her eyes, she quickly whipped out of sight and leaned against the wall, wincing in trepidation, as if the sight of her peers were not quite to her liking. After a few moments, she nervously entered her new classroom and sat in a far corner, fiddling around with the straps on her bag to avoid looking at the other students in class. She was annoyed at the strangeness of everything, of having to be alone yet again, with no one to talk to. She was also apprehensive about having to make new friends all over again, just after one short year. Not to mention, having to somehow make friends with these people who probably had twice the amount of her IQ. A few moments later, a hyperactive, bouncy (really, there’s no other word for it) boy in prefect uniform, er, bounced in. With a shock of thick black hair, and cheerful bright eyes, he had the look of someone who cou

Nerds of the World Unite!

I am an absolute nerd you see, highly disciplined and never lazy. Will never forget to study a chapter a day, Heaven forbid I skip, I'll always find a way. Ever and anon you'll hear my war cry, "I am a nerd! A full-fledged nerd am I!" I am a nerd 'till the day I die, will get my As, my exam colours fly. Self motivation, indeed. =.=