
Showing posts from July, 2013

So much for updating

Whoo hoo it's July. I am on holiday. so why haven't you written anything on your blog, you lazy chipmunk? Anyway, I am here to tell you that I'll be back on my "trying-to-write-something-good" boat. Or perhaps just trying-to-write-something. But if you have time, read  THIS . It's a good story by a good writer and better friend - Darren Yip! It'd also provide context for what I will (hopefully) post next. I might also return to fiddling around with Coney the Redominator. Do you remember him? No? Well part 1 is  here  and part 2 is  here . I know, it's been over a year since I've posted anything about Coney but I haven't forgotten him. He's my little random bit of nonsense. =] Unfortunately, I can't guarantee anything because I am terrible at updating. So this may just be a troll post and I don't post anything at all. =/ The thought counts, doesn't it? no it doesn't. I'll see what I can do then.