
Showing posts from March, 2012

On updating...and new nonsense

Yeah, i've neglected my blog. It's a good thing that i'm mostly addressing a non-existing audience. The reason why i don't blog as much is because i'm trying to find the best thing to blog about. A blog is usually about yr everyday life but i don't really like to do that because i just feel uncomfortable putting up my daily life for ppl to see. It's ...exposing. I don't have anything to hide, but I like privacy. When I do have a certain event that i think i can write about, it ends up sounding very crappy. So i shove it aside and by the time i perfect it, the event was probably months ago (Perfection and procrastination....remember my personality thing? That's why I don't get a lot of things done on time) But are you really interested in my life? Let me know. Oh....i just remembered - the rat disection videos. Gosh. Ok, next time then. Check my older posts if you have no idea what i'm talking about. Anyway, here is something that i wrote out