to the genius on his birthday

I still remember the day you said you felt “horny”.

I don’t quite remember what you really wanted to say. I think you meant to say that you were inspired? Motivated? Well, “berahi” is a strong motivation. Yes indeed.

It was one of those moments that would go down in history. Oh the awkwardness, oh the humiliation!


Happy birthday to our Resident Genius, Clement Kwan! =)

Thanks for being the conscience of our gang. Thanks for insisting on teaching those who want to copy your work instead of just handing them your book. Thanks for glaring and punching our friends hard when they exclaim an expletive.

Thanks for being supportive over the things we are passionate about. Thanks for bumming with us when we fail and for coaxing us back to life (we must’ve been a real pain sitting beside you).

Thanks for those random moments…shutting my book when I’m studying and calling US nerds when YOU are the one memorizing bio facts (speaking of bio…remember HER?). Thanks for the times we discussed episodes of Criminal Minds and other random, ridiculous topics. Oh and for the AWESOME essays!

Thanks for following your heart and choosing music as a career despite the raised eyebrows and cynical words.

Most of all, thanks for showing me the difference between geniuses and smart alecks. I’ve met a few smart alecks before and I really wish I can drag them to you so that you can give them a piece of your mind, Naruto-style.

Smart alecks are annoying, stuck-up and think that everything is a scientific equation. They may have brains, but they lack wisdom. Severely. They need a good kick in the pants.

Geniuses inspire.

There’s no need for further elaboration.

May you continue to be a blessing and inspiration, Resident Genius!


  1. hey nerd......thanks a lot for this.....really appreciate it....and i also appreciate all those great times all of us had together.....growing made school life a lot more meaningful......and i thank you for all those nice words...though i know i'm not always that still learning and trying everyday. =) but i thank you nonetheless for your friendship and your have been such a blessing to all of us..May God continue to work in us and mold us to become the people He wants us to be....God bless


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