Failure! failure!

"Failure! Failure!" cried David. "Every bar of my music cried, 'Failure'. It shrieked from the violins, blared from the trombones, thundered from the drums. It was written in all the faces -....What of my soul? False to its own music, its own mission, it's own dream. That is what I mean by failure, Vera.......oh how my music mocked me! And you, so fearless, so high above all that has come to pass, how you must despise me, despise me!"

~The Melting Pot, Israel Zangwill
(retold from the play by permission of The Macmillan Company)

Read this short story a long time ago. But the way he described failure...amazing. Everytime I fail in something, these lines start ringing in my ears.

BTW, this story is awesome too. If you can find it, read it.



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