
Showing posts from December, 2010


It's curtains, baby. Time to set a new stage. Time to leave, but keep the memories, Time to turn a new page. Are you ready? Hold my hand and breathe in. Don't be afraid, don't worry; the Sovereign One will lead us through again. wrote the first paragraph at dna, just added in the rest today. Blessed New Year, everyone.


Was listening to taylor swift's new album and started scribbling this....this...thing. Edited it slightly, but it still doesn't sound right. Just dumping it here to see whether you can do something about it, o great whoever-who-gets-inspired. Yes, I'm afraid that most of my posts here is me dumping my trashy rough scribblings on you. Hardly any of them are really edited properly. What would Pn . Poga say? sigh... Well, here it is. Hopefully it's improve-able and not sh**y as previously commented by someone (and hey i'm REALLY not mad at that someone, just perplexed that she never explained her comment. it's a shame, I'd have loved to know her reasoning.) Two kids The King is dead; long live the king! We’re here to be royalty in fantasy Two kids in a fairyland Here to grow up and conquer. There are ogres and giants Bitter beasts, evil witches and demons. Saddle your noble steed and grab your sword We’ ve a world to defend Your

End of an Era

Don’t you ever wonder what Will happen when it ends How can we let go of the Ones who we call friends And I know, it’s only a story, but For so many it’s more than that It’s a world, all on its own where we Want to put on the sorting hat I will miss the train ride in And the pranks pulled by the twins And though it’s no where I have been I’ll keep on smiling from the times I had with them Could there ever be again Another one like this One that’s brought us together and Started its own music movement Soon we will see it closed The final chapter exposed It’s an end of an era And I’m seeing clearer That nothing will ever be the same a song by oliver boyd and the remembralls, yes this is a wrock (wizard rock) band. There's plenty of them around, and some of their lyrics are reli nice, thought some can be a bit...lame (go see my previous fb status-es to find out). didn't you feel like this at the end oh harry potter? or at the end of something? wanna see more wrock bands? this is q